Sunday, January 13, 2013

Whole30: Day 11

Just another day eating Whole30...

I think the limitations are starting to become the norm, so now it's not so much as wanting to eat the other things (although, I have to be honest... Friday night all I wanted was a pizza and some wine) as it is, what's new that I can try to make.  I've been really in a rut with my veggie recipes, so now is the time to start trying new ones.

Really, I should have experimented this weekend, because during the work week, I'm going to be completely swamped and tired and not ready to cook for two hours only to have it blow up in my hungry face.

That being said, we're so close to being halfway through with this month of 'dieting'.  At this point, I no longer feel like it's a diet.  I feel like I'm just eating food the way it should be.  I stare at the fast food commercials and think, why have we been brainwashed into thinking that that's what food should really be?  In my opinion, things like a hamburger with sauteed mushrooms and onions topped with cheese should really not come from a fast food joint like Mickey D's.  Just thinking about how long ago the food was actually made to the point where it reaches the plate... eeesh.  Something gourmet like that should be had in a local restaurant, with good quality and locally produced/raised/farmed ingredients.

I was reading on Yahoo the other day an article which listed out the worst fast food items, and there again I noticed another part of our brainwashing... It only listed things like fat, calories, and sodium.  Is that really how we should be measuring what we eat?  Right now, I'm eating as much as I want, I don't add much salt to the foods I cook, and I'm not concerned with calories or fat.

And you know what?  I've lost 5 pounds.  In 12 days.

Yes, yes, the Whole30 gods are mad at me.  I weighed myself.  Oh well.  I needed motivation, and at this point the scale is the only thing going for me.  And to those who poo poo weighing yourself with the Whole30 (and it not being about weight, but about how you feel), I really have focused on how I have felt - with my energy levels and my sleeping patterns and much more.  But most who start the Whole30, I've found, are also already living a mostly Paleo lifestyle.  They've already lost weight that way, so they may not have as much to lose by doing the Whole30.  Justin and I on the other hand have just since January 2nd cut out any kind of fast food or dining out, all alcoholic beverages, all grains, all dairy, and all cokes.  So of course there will be significant weight loss (I'd like to get back under 130, but realistically, if I made it to 135 by the end of the 30 days I would be pleased).

So yes, here are my stats:

Starting Weight:  144.8lbs (yikes!  My highest was last summer at 148, before we started CF)
Current Weight:  139.6lbs (a difference of I believe 5.2lbs)

I also took measurements and photos, but I'll save that for the final post.

The biggest question would be, am I going to continue to eat this way after 30 days?  And my answer? I believe so.  Not as all encompassing, but yes, I'd like to think I will continue to cook most of my meals at home and stay away from sodas.  I think in order to save my sanity and be social, however, I will eat 'typically' at events.  Of course, this could change and I may literally be eating my words on February 1st, but who's to say?

So, now that I'm done ranting, what the heck did I eat?

Frittata with bell peppers, onions, and chopped pork loin from the other day

Hamburger patties (with shredded carrot mixed in)
Sweet potato fries

Leftover chicken strips from Friday night
Celery sticks (tried it with almond butter, still can't get the hang of the stuff)
Apple slices

I don't feel starved.  I don't feel like I'm eating rabbit food.  I don't feel angry or grumpy anymore.  Food is fuel pretty much.  I still want it to taste good (the sweet potato fries were not my best), but in the end, I want to know what's in it before it goes into my body.

Oh yeah, and the WOD was a monster yesterday morning.   (team wod with my fave partner Madison - she's a 9th grader and she whoops my but at just about everything)

8 min AMRAP
12 toes to bar
Down and back burpee broad jumps
3 min rest
10 hanging power cleans
10 front squats
10 bar facing burpees
3 min rest
8 min Running relays

Needless to say, I was gassed pretty early on, and I also was having to drink a lot of water in between each to keep going.  One thing I've noticed is I'm having a hard time staying hydrated.  I drink water all day long, but it just hasn't seemed to be enough to keep my throat from getting too dry.

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