Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Whole30: Day 20

Well, we're that much closer to being done with our Whole30.  Things are going well, and while we're definitely ready to be done so we can have something different (different flavor, texture, etc), we're also looking ahead to how we will eat in the future.

My goal would be to continue to eat this way during the week and on weekends, but Justin and I have both decided to regain our social lives, we need to allow ourselves at least two meals out on the weekends.  We miss people!

I like the way I feel and the results I see too much to go back to noshing on bread and cheese all the time, but I will add in hints of dairy now and then.  Or if I want to make a special dessert.  Those kinds of things.  I really do miss cooking the way I'd like to.  What was bad before the diet:  I hated to cook.  Now, it's become a habit, and I'd rather cook.

I will, however, not rejoin the Coke drinkers of the world.  I've found I have absolutely no need for it.  Or sweet tea.  Or orange juice.  Water is just fine.  Really.  I had a friend growing up who would refuse to drink water (I think we were 8).  Hanging out at her house, she would only drink sweet tea, soda, or capri suns.  One time I asked her why she wouldn't just want water, and she told me - flat out - that she was allergic to water.  Even at 8, my brain knew better.  Our bodies are made up of so much water.  That's absurd.  And I told her so.

I wasn't very good at keeping friends :)

My food rundown...

Scrambled eggs with red bell pepper
Half a banana

Crockpot remnants

Naked juice (not Whole30)
Chicken thigh cooked in coconut oil
Sauteed spinach and cherry tomatoes

The WOD today was a tough 17 minute long EMOM but not to be outdone, we followed it up with a sprint of 21-15-9 of single arm sumo dead lift high pulls (21 for each arm) and pushups where we had to lift our hands off the floor.  My back is going to be screaming...

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