Saturday, January 19, 2013

Whole30: Day 18

Wow.  12 days left in this Whole30 business.



Ice cream.

I've even started a Pinterest board - "Things I'll Eat After My Whole30".

Do you know how great thinking about all of these things is?


Honestly, I'm doing myself no favors by focusing on the things I can't have now that I think I should get to have when I'm 'finished'.  Justin and I have spent the last few days thinking what our big first 'meal' will be off of Whole30.  Chili's?  Olive Garden?  Margaritas & Mexican?  It's kind of like we're sabotaging ourselves.  We should focus more on how we'll continue to eat well and fuel our bodies in natural and healthier ways.

Yeah yeah yeah... ICE CREAM!

Today's meals:

Sweet potato hash
Bacon (meat candy!  I used to absolutely hate bacon.  Get the uncured kind.  It's delicious)
Reheated meatball from last night

Team WOD @ Crossfit today, and I felt fairly well fueled.

Lunch:  (the devil made me do it)
BURGER LIFE!  Our first (and probably only) eating out excursion on Whole30... and I didn't feel to awesome about it, although it was tasty.
Turkey patty with spring mix salad, olives, roasted tomatoes, grilled pineapple, sauteed mushrooms and onions.  It was awesome.

* For whatever reason, lunch made me sleepy.  I wasted away the afternoon, and into the evening, even though I was getting hungry again, I was struggling to decide what to make.  It was like eating out once had sucked the creative life out of me.  So after an hour of reading through NomNomPaleo's blog, I felt re-engergized and ready to cook.

Chicken fauxjitas with onions and red and green bell peppers
Homemade guacamole

Note to self, buy more bacon.

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