Finally up to speed!
Speaking of speed, my mind is really clicking along! I feel great all day, as long as I give myself enough to eat. Like this morning, I didn't really eat enough, and by 10:30 my stomach was rumbling (first time it's done that in 15 days). I was really tired this morning (I had a cracked out dream that left me a little sleepy), so I didn't feel like cooking. That being said, I still went ahead and made Justin a nukable scramble, with 3 eggs and my fresh pico de gallo, and cooked it up before he ran out the door (since I didn't have a lid lol).
I can really tell a difference in my body - my pants that I had to buy to fit my size 10 behind (good lord, I remember the day when I considered my 4's my fat pants... shudder) are fitting loosely now, not just in the tummy area, but the rear and thighs as well. My shirts are fitting a little less snuggly too. And I've also dropped about a lb a day for the last 3 days. I weighed myself this morning, and I was at 138.2!
Honestly, I haven't been under 140 since last summer, and I've really struggled with that fact. I actually gained 5 lbs when we started doing Crossfit (although it was all muscle, it still psyched me out).
Besides the weight, my face is still very clear and in my mind radiant. I don't feel as gross after workouts. I just in general have a better mood and outlook.
Check out the difference in my face just from last fall to today (Yes, I take frequent pictures of myself at work. No clue why, but apparently it comes in handy). My teeth are actually brighter too (less red wine).
Justin however is really the one that shows the changes the best. As they say, looking good is 10% gym and 90% diet. Well, he broke his arm in early November, and so many of the Crossfit workout moves were off limits to him. That meant he had to substitute, and more often than not those substitutions were some kind of ab movement. Needless to say, you could tell his midsection was firming up, but I had no clue just how nicely until we started the Whole30. He's lost probably 8 lbs, and his abs are RIPPED!
I may post a picture later. It's pretty amazing. I'd hate to show pre-post photos and have people say, oh wow! Whole30 gives you great abs! Because no, no it doesn't. Working out hard every day and doing 80 GHD situps and flytraps a day gives you great abs. Eating the way we are on the Whole30 just helped to 'unveil' them :)
So, Breakfast:
Egg scramble
half a banana
Chicken Drumstick
Steamed broccoli, carrots, cauliflower
Sliced meat
Went to our WOD at 6:30... I was gassed almost immediately. I'm still not having the kinds of feelings during workouts that I want to, that I was used to. I miss feel powerful during a workout. Today's WOD Part I was an EMOM of 5 front squats and then 10 bar facing burpees. After the 5 front squats, my heart was already racing. Fast forward to minute 6, and I was seeing black spots in front of my eyes. I finished but just barely.
WOD Part II was even more brutal... 100 air squats, 100 push presses (I only did the bar... only heh), and 100 Double Unders (or in my case 200 singles). It took me 16 minutes... Far too long, if you ask me. I was shaking the whole drive home.
And of course, cooking dinner meant I needed to clean the kitchen. Damn I never knew putting away dishes could hurt so bad. I had to eat two dried apricots just to be able to cook.
Good god, dinner...
Tilapia filet
Huge spinach salad
Topped with Shrimp/almonds/onions/roasted red peppers
I'm finally happy and back on the sofa with my puppies. Time to ice the knee and get to bed.
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